Sedation Dentistry

Pleasant Family Dentistry

General Dentists located in Mount Pleasant, SC

If you experience anxiety during dental visits, the compassionate dentists at Pleasant Family Dentistry in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, offer a solution. They provide sedation dentistry, including nitrous oxide and Valium, to help you stay calm and enjoy your trips to the dentist. Schedule an appointment with Pleasant Family Dentistry by phone or book online to learn more about sedation dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry Q & A

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry refers to the methods your dental team uses to manage pain or anxiety during dental exams or treatments. It helps you feel relaxed and comfortable. During dental procedures, sedation helps you stay awake but in a calm state of mind. Pleasant Family Dentistry offers nitrous oxide and Valium upon request.

Is sedation dentistry right for me?

To find out if you’re a good candidate for sedation dentistry, your Pleasant Family Dentistry provider asks questions about your comfort level and anxiety during dental appointments. 

Sedation is often useful if you experience a high level of fear or anxiety, have suffered from past traumatic dental experiences, have an overactive gag reflex, or experience complicated dental problems. Sedation might also be a good option for children and adults with special needs.

What are my sedation dentistry options?

There are two main types of sedation dentistry available at Pleasant Family Dentistry:

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a gas you breathe in through a mask that fits over your nose to help you relax. During this type of sedation, you remain awake, and you can respond to requests your dentist makes during treatment. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off soon after your provider removes the mask.


Pleasant Family Dentistry also offers Valium, also known as diazepam, which is a type of oral sedative that helps you feel calm during dental appointments. You can ingest it as a pill or in liquid form. If you take an oral sedative, plan to have a friend or family member drive you home after your dental visit.

Which type of sedative is right for me?

Your dentist helps determine which type of sedative, if any, is suitable for you. They take into account your level of anxiety and preferences, as you have a voice in your care. If you don’t experience anxiety during dental visits, you probably don’t need sedation dentistry. 

Your dentist numbs the treatment area prior to performing potentially uncomfortable dental procedures so that you won’t feel any pain.

To learn more about sedation dentistry and find out if it’s right for you, call Pleasant Family Dentistry or use the online booking tool today.